We hope you place a lot of importance on the word responsible when you consider HVAC contractors. A number of things to consider would include the amount of insurance coverage a contractor has to protect your business. We can and will be glad to provide you with proof of insurance so you know you are protected. Our level of coverage is far above what most service contractors would offer.
Another thing to consider is whether or not your contractor has the experience and knowledge to perform the work you are paying for. Most of our technicians are graduates of a minimum of four years in a US Department of Labor approved apprenticeship program. All of our techs attend regular in-house training as well as specialized factory training schools to prepare to work for you.
Having the right tools for the job is another responsibility we take seriously. While things change quickly in the world of technology, we put a lot of emphasis on having the proper tools and facilities to perform the work we are called on to do. We keep up with changes in our industry by having the latest tools available to work on your equipment. Our techs are equipped with laptops to program and commission building automation systems and to be able to obtain available technical data while working on your systems. This helps make sure we keep you in factory spec because our techs have the information they need while they are on your job.
Our fleet of service vans are equipped with GPS so we can provide you with an accurate third party account of your technicians time and whereabouts while on your job. We can show you when he started his call and provide you with detailed information up to when he completes the work on your systems using GPS. It also helps us do a better job scheduling and routing calls to give you priority service.
We take our responsibilities seriously and we have since we started in business in 1930. You don’t get to stay around for almost eighty years if you aren’t responsible to your customers. LMC Service Solutions gives you the advantages of working directly with the top management of the company rather than one of 75 factory branches like some companies. We can make decisions locally without having to wait on a huge corporation to come out with a new policy. We are big enough though, to give you a higher level of responsibility than a new start up company. Responsibility is a priority at LMC Service Solutions.
Our technicians are not only well-versed in maintenance procedures, they utilize the most advanced testing equipment for accurate diagnosis, including:
Electronic Combustion Analyzers - Our equipment tests the combustion efficiency and performance of large burners and makes adjustments to improve combustion efficiency. The results of this testing can be downloaded to serve as a baseline for future inspection results.
Bore Scopes - This testing equipment allows us to inspect the inside of combustion chambers and piping.
Airflow and Water Flow Analysis - LMC utilizes a variety of specialized equipment to measure airflow and water flow, including airflow hoods, hot wire anemometers, and manometers.
Building Automation Monitoring - Laptop computers give us the platform to program and commission systems as well as operate and monitor control systems.
GPS-Equipped Trucks - Our fleet is equipped to carry critical parts stock, safety equipment, ladders, test equipment and tools. With GPS systems, we can achieve real-time information for scheduling calls and verifying arrivals and departures from job sites.